Theoretical Particle Physics Seminars 2010/2011

Usually Wednesday at 2:00 pm, Rm 220a, Kelvin Building

Date Time Speaker Institute Title
15/09/10 14:00
Margarete Muehlleitner KIT, University of Karlsruhe Prospects of Higgs physics at the LHC
22/09/10 14:00
Jan Kalinowski ITP, University of Warsaw Dirac gauginos and scalar gauge bosons in N=1/N=2 SUSY
13/10/10 14:00
Chris White University of Glasgow New techniques and results for soft gluon physics
10/11/10 14:00
Rachel Dowdall University of Glasgow Semiclassical limit of spin foam models for quantum gravity
08/12/10 14:00
Lorenzo Basso University of Southampton Properties of the minimal U(1)_B-L extension of the SM
13/12/10 14:00
Juergen Reuter University of Edinburgh Resonances and Unitarity in Weak Boson Scattering at the LHC
31/01/11 14:00
Pran Nath Pandita North Eastern Hill University Sparticle Mass Relations in Supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories
02/02/11 14:00
Luigi Del Debbio University of Edinburgh Lattice studies of the conformal window
16/02/11 11:00
Jennifer Smillie University of Edinburgh The HEJ Framework: Describing Jets at the LHC
16/03/11 14:00
David Toms University of Newcastle Can quantum gravity influence high energy behaviour of gauge theories?
24/03/11 14:00
Carleton DeTar University of Utah Quarkonium splittings from Lattice QCD with the Fermilab formalism
30/03/11 14:00
Joseph Conlon University of Oxford Radiative Superpotentials and Supersymmetric Radiative Flavour
27/04/11 14:00
Andreas Papaefstathiou University of Cambridge Searching for third generation scalar Leptoquarks at the LHC
11/05/11 11:00
Celine Boehm IPPP Durham Complementary between Particle physics and Astrophysics in dark matter searches: this is no longer a myth!
25/05/11 14:00
Justin Foley University of Utah Crossing thresholds in light-hadron spectroscopy